


  • All orders are subject to the afore-mentioned general terms, to the exclusion of the client’s proper terms.
  • Our offer is always non-binding. The agreement only comes into being after our written confirmation or at the beginning of the implementation.
  • In Belgium our prices are exclusive of VAT and delivery charges, except otherwise mentioned. We reserve the right to adjust our prices if, after the formation of the agreement, the costs of energy, raw materials, salaries or one of the other constituents that influence our cost price have changed.
  • All invoices become due for payment 30 days from date of invoice, except otherwise mentioned on the invoice. If an invoice is not fully paid when due, we reserve the right to charge, by law and without notice of default, a fixed compensation equal to 15% of the amount due and equal to a minimum of 50 EUR on top of the amount due. The interest on the increased amount is, by law and without notice of default, equal to 1% per month, taking into account that as from the first of every month, the afore-mentioned month is considered to be elapsed.
  • The goods delivered remain the property of the company until full payment of the principal, interests, costs and taxes. As from the moment the goods are removed from our warehouses, the risks will nevertheless be at the expense of the customer. In the event of non-payment, the company can proceed to the immediate dissolution of the agreement by simple written notification eight days after an order remained without effect, without prejudice to the right to demand a reimbursement of the expenses and a compensation for sustained damages.
  • The delivery periods are to our interests not covered by the guarantee. A delay can under no circumstances give cause to the payment of a compensation or to the dissolution of the agreement.
  • In order to be valid, all complaints are to be sent by registered post (a) in the event of a complaint due to non-conformity, eight days after the delivery of the goods and (b) in the event of hidden defects, eight days after the discovery of this flaw and at the latest 6 months after the delivery.
    • If a client lodges a complaint, he will not be discharged from his payment commitments.
    • No product may be sent back, without our preceding and written consent.
    • Our guarantee is anyhow limited to the replacement of the good and, if this is not possible, to the repayment.
  • Any annulment of the delivery by the client is to be put down in writing. The annulment is only valid if we have confirmed in writing.
  • Any disagreement concerning the conclusion, the validity, the interpretation or the implementation of this agreement and of the resulting agreements, falls under Belgian law and is included in the exclusive competence of the courts of Turnhout.
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